Foto: Jörg Gießelmann
Foto: Jörg Gießelmann


The story of NonaD:

Without Nadabh (Willy Bayer), who died on the 29th of June 2006, the modeling clay wouldn´t be avialable today. He produced a usefull material through experiments which he had done before.  Nadabh was my partner, artist-friend and tutor. We both worked together with this material also with children at schools. At the time he introduced me to project work at schools. His engeeniering material NonaD was his legacy for me . It was the base for further experiments which I did after his death. The engeeniering material was improved by me through the last years. This is why the name has been changed since 2009 from Nonad to NonaD. 

Art colleagues then gave me the impulse to trade NonaD.

Now I know that through improving and trading NonaD also Nadabh gets his acknowledgment . I think it´s my task to improve it and to pass it on.

Through my work should the memory and the apprecation be awakened and be held alive.

Our world should get be a little bit happier and colourfull.

The only thing that counts is Love!


In this sense I am passing the inspiration on...  In eternal gradditude!